Corporate Manslaughter and Homicide Act 2007

It is estimated that at least a third of all road traffic accidents involve somebody who is at work at the time, accounting for approximately 20 fatalities and 250 serious injuries every week.       

Source:  [Driving at work –Managing work related road safety- HSE]

It is clear that some businesses consider they have a robust risk assessment programme to address their responsibilities under the legislation.

Operators of commercial and public transport fleets are heavily legislated and are compliant under the legislation, however in practice and following discussions with employees within the Business and Public sector community a significant  number of  Companies, Local Government and public sector organisations have either no risk assessments or limited assessments which  may not be sufficient to avoid culpability under the legislation.

KNC can offer advice and assessment to business drivers of all classes of vehicles and a follow up consultancy service relating to accidents or traffic infringements.  

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